Clothes to Go Ministry
On the LAST Saturday of the Month from 10 am-12 pm, we offer free clothes to those in need. The clothes are gently used and new clothes that have been donated. All are welcome to come and take a bag of clothes home. 
​Pastor's Pantry

We also provide bags of food on the last Saturday. Please call 508-823-2374 to reserve a food bag.


October 19, 2019              Faith In Action: The Feeding of the 10,000,

9:30 to 4:30 Carter Memorial UMC, 800 Highland Ave. Needham, MA

          Keynote address by Rev. Megan Stowe,

         new District Supt. Of the Central Massachusetts District

lunch is   provided, free will offering taken

December tba, 2019            Christmas Party, 12 to 3 pm, Wesley UMC,

55 Woodland St. Lincoln, RI

April 23-26, 2020              Men’s Walk #85, Cathedral Camp, 167 Middleboro Rd, East Freetown, MA

April 30-May 3, 2020       Women’s Walk #85 Cathedral Camp, 167 Middleboro Rd  East Freetown, MA

Any of the events held, you do not have gone on an Emmaus Walk to participate.

To go on an Emmaus Walk, you do have to be sponsored by someone who has been.

Call Pastor Johnell if interested or the church office.

Memorial United Methodist Church

Sunday School 
Children’s ministries are a priority at MUMC. We offer weekly Sunday School classes where children are encouraged to learn Bible references and explore their faith through a variety of experiences. We believe that it is important for children (and adults) to be in church year round so we provide children’s church during the summer where the children learn through Bible stories, crafts, plays and music. Some of the children’s activities throughout the year include: Blessing of the Backpacks, A Christmas Pageant, Christmas Caroling, Easter Egg Hunt, Children’s Day and the Parable Box